Recent Reviews

The Vanished (2018)
This nifty crime thriller starts with a creepy mystery and ends with an even creepier twist
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A Good Person (2023)
Florence Pugh and Morgan Freeman will break your heart in this tale of tragedy and (hoped for) redemption
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Big Nothing (2006)
David Schwimmer and Simon Pegg in a not-too-squeamish dark comedy. What could go wrong?
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Destination Wedding (2018)
Keanu Reeves and Winona Ryder: A perfect pairing of oddball characters (and actors)
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The Lobster (2015)
Fine performances by Farrell and Weisz can't make you overlook the relentless dreariness
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Cafe Society (2016)
Despite a few surprises, ‘Cafe Society’ is more of a bland snack than a satisfying meal
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Aloha (2015)
Fast-forward to the final scene with Danielle Rose Russell, then say goodbye to ‘Aloha’