1917 (2019)
Meticulous detail and (faux) one-shot cinematography makes ‘1917’ an immersive spectacle worth experiencing
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A Good Person (2023)
Florence Pugh and Morgan Freeman will break your heart in this tale of tragedy and (hoped for) redemption
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A Haunting in Venice (2023)
Can a ghost, an impaled victim, and a locked-door mystery re-invigorate an aging Poirot? Let’s see …
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A Special Lady (2017)
A twisty plot, Godfather-reminiscent set pieces, and a gutsy heroine can’t make up for the exploitive brutality
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Aloha (2015)
Fast-forward to the final scene with Danielle Rose Russell, then say goodbye to ‘Aloha’
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Anna (2019)
Sasha Luss executes with intensity and grace in a fast-paced tale that’s more absorbing than expected
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Annihilation (2018)
Natalie Portman’s trek into The Shimmer feels like a Conradian journey into the heart of darkness