Recent Reviews

The Man Standing Next (2020)
Despite fine turns by Lee Byung-hun and Lee Sung-min, this languid, somber historical drama is hard to stick with
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Run All Night (2015)
More output from the Liam Neeson action assembly line, with a chilling supporting turn by Ed Harris
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The Mother (2023)
Jennifer Lopez brings the intensity, but the plot is outrageously overblown at every turn
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Canary Black (2024)
Kate Beckinsale gives it her all, but she can’t save this predictable spy thriller whose twist you spot right away

Family Pack (2024)
A silly and mildly entertaining tale of a family transported to the middle ages to fight werewolves
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Night of the Assassin (2023)
An ailing assassin with a price on his head slices through innumerable badguys and a predictable plot
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Knights of the Zodiac (2023)
So sad to see Sean Bean wasted in this adolescently scripted mashup of martial arts and mythology
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Land of Bad (2024)
Yet another "things go sideways" rescue mission. Rousing gun fights. Lots of explosions. Capture and torture
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Ruthless (2023)
Dermot Mulroney goes bare knuckles against sex traffickers, but can't punch his way out of this mediocre script
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A Special Lady (2017)
A twisty plot, Godfather-reminiscent set pieces, and a gutsy heroine can't make up for the exploitive brutality
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Night in Paradise (2020)
Gangster gets sold out, with bloody results. But Jeon Yeo-been shines as a terminal case with a deadly aim
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Meg 2: The Trench (2023)
It’s not as bad as you’d think. So while it’s a waste of time, it’s your time to waste